Monday 3 June 2013

Fairytale Telephone

Once upon a time, there was a little mouse named Alaska who was very small and fat. 
They lived in a kingdom far far away, nestled beside towering mountains surrounded by crystalline pools. 
You see, our character had lost his favorite pocket watch. It was a gift from his late great-great-great grandfather and our character had reason to suspect his older cousin of stealing it. It was simply in her nature- she took what she wanted whether it was hers to take or not. 
Along came a friendly toad, his happy disposition can make even the evilest of people happy and content. 
But sadly the evil snake-man came out from under the rock where he was hiding and lashed out ready to bite the little mouse. 
But the hero overcomes our nasty villain with just one slash of his sword, the evil one is destroyed leaving out hero breathless, and with a huge mess to clean, blood stains you know. 
As our main character snuggles back into his bed, he recalls all the times he’s been through, he sighs drifts off into a warm slumber, the stars and the moon twinkling smugly. 
They have learned to be themselves and to try new things however dangerous, or ill-conceived they were. 

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